One line description of the data: Forced hyperviscous rotating shallow water on a sphere with earth-like topography and daily/annual periodic forcings.
Longer description of the data: The shallow water equations are fundamentally a 2D approximation of a 3D flow in the case where horizontal length scales are significantly longer than vertical length scales. They are derived from depth-integrating the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The integrated dimension then only remains in the equation as a variable describing the height of the pressure surface above the flow. These equations have long been used as a simpler approximation of the primitive equations in atmospheric modeling of a single pressure level, most famously in the Williamson test problems. This scenario can be seen as similar to Williamson Problem 7 as we derive initial conditions from the hPa 500 pressure level in ERA5. These are then simulated with realistic topography and two levels of periodicity.
Associated paper: Paper.
Domain expert: Michael McCabe, Polymathic AI.
Code or software used to generate the data: Dedalus, adapted from this example.
with \(h\) the deviation of pressure surface height from the mean, \(H\) the mean height, \(\vec{u}\) the 2D velocity, \(\Omega\) the Coriolis parameter, and F the forcing which is defined:
def find_center(t):
time_of_day = t / day
time_of_year = t / year
max_declination = .4 # Truncated from estimate of earth's solar decline
lon_center = time_of_day*2*np.pi # Rescale sin to 0-1 then scale to np.pi
lat_center = np.sin(time_of_year*2*np.pi)*max_declination
lon_anti = np.pi + lon_center #2*np.((np.sin(-time_of_day*2*np.pi)+1) / 2)*pi
return lon_center, lat_center, lon_anti, lat_center
def season_day_forcing(phi, theta, t, h_f0):
phi_c, theta_c, phi_a, theta_a = find_center(t)
sigma = np.pi/2
coefficients = np.cos(phi - phi_c) * np.exp(-(theta-theta_c)**2 / sigma**2)
forcing = h_f0 * coefficients
return forcing
Dataset | FNO | TFNO | Unet | CNextU-net |
planetswe |
0.1727 | \(\mathbf{0.0853}\) | 0.3620 | 0.3724 |
Table: VRMSE metrics on test sets (lower is better). Best results are shown in bold. VRMSE is scaled such that predicting the mean value of the target field results in a score of 1.
About the data¶
Dimension of discretized data: 3024 timesteps of 256x512 images with "day" defined as 24 steps and "year" defined as 1008 in model time.
Fields available in the data: height (scalar field), velocity (vector field).
Number of trajectories: 40 trajectories of 3 model years.
Estimated size of the ensemble of all simulations: 185.8 GB.
Grid type: Equiangular grid, polar coordinates.
Initial conditions: Sampled from hPa 500 level of ERA5, filtered for stable initialization and burned-in for half a simulation year.
Boundary conditions: Spherical.
Simulation time-step (\(\Delta t\)): CFL-based step size with safety factor of 0.4.
Data are stored separated by (\(\delta t\)): 1 hour in simulation time units.
Total time range (\(t_{min}\) to \(t_{max}\)): \(t_{min} = 0\), \(t_{max} = 3024\).
Spatial domain size: \(\phi \in [0, 2 \pi]\), \(\theta \in [0, \pi]\).
Set of coefficients or non-dimensional parameters evaluated: \(\nu\) normalized to mode 224.
Approximate time to generate the data: 45 minutes using 64 icelake cores for one simulation.
Hardware used to generate the data: 64 Icelake CPU cores.
What is interesting and challenging about the data:¶
Spherical geometry and planet-like topography and forcing make for a proxy for real-world atmospheric dynamics where true dynamics are known. The dataset has annual and daily periodicity forcing models to either process a sufficient context length to learn these patterns or to be explicitly time aware. Furthermore, the system becomes stable making this a good system for exploring long run stability of models.
Please cite the associated paper if you use this data in your research:
title={Towards stability of autoregressive neural operators},
author={McCabe, Michael and Harrington, Peter and Subramanian, Shashank and Brown, Jed},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10619},